package com.projavasecurity.ecommerce; import*; import sun.misc.BASE64Encoder; import sun.misc.BASE64Decoder; import*; import java.sql.*; import java.util.*; /** * Class for performing database operations. */ public class DatabaseOperations { private final static String CREDIT_CARD_INSERT_SQL = "INSERT INTO credit_card (account_id, session_key, cc_number) "+ "VALUES (?,?,?)"; private final static String CREDIT_CARD_SELECT_SQL = "SELECT session_key, cc_number FROM credit_card "+ "WHERE account_id = ?"; private final static String CREDIT_CARD_SELECT_IDS_SQL = "SELECT account_id FROM credit_card"; private Connection mConnection; private PreparedStatement mInsertCreditCard; private PreparedStatement mSelectCreditCard; private PreparedStatement mSelectCreditCardAccountIDs; private BASE64Encoder mEncoder; private BASE64Decoder mDecoder; /** * Construct a DatabaseOperations object, * based on the properties passed in which * will include url, username, database, and * JDBC driver name. */ public DatabaseOperations(Properties properties) { // Load our connection and initialize objects. mEncoder = new BASE64Encoder(); mDecoder = new BASE64Decoder(); String driverName = properties.getProperty("DBDriver"); String url = properties.getProperty("DBUrl"); String username = properties.getProperty("DBUsername"); String password = properties.getProperty("DBPassword"); try { // Load the connection Class.forName(driverName); mConnection = DriverManager.getConnection (url, username, password); // Prepare the PreparedStatements. mInsertCreditCard = mConnection.prepareStatement (CREDIT_CARD_INSERT_SQL); mSelectCreditCard = mConnection.prepareStatement (CREDIT_CARD_SELECT_SQL); mSelectCreditCardAccountIDs = mConnection.prepareStatement( CREDIT_CARD_SELECT_IDS_SQL); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Store a CreditCardDBO object in the database. */ public void store(CreditCardDBO creditCardDBO) throws IOException { try { // Need to synchronize to prevent race conditions. synchronized(mConnection) { mInsertCreditCard.setLong (1,creditCardDBO.getAccountID()); mInsertCreditCard.setString (2,mEncoder.encode (creditCardDBO.getEncryptedSessionKey())); mInsertCreditCard.setString (3,mEncoder.encode (creditCardDBO.getEncryptedCCNumber())); mInsertCreditCard.executeUpdate(); } } catch (SQLException se) { se.printStackTrace(); throw new IOException(se.getMessage()); } } /** * Creates a CreditCardDBO object with * data from the database corresponding * to the account id passed in. */ public CreditCardDBO loadCreditCardDBO(long accountID) throws IOException { CreditCardDBO creditCardDBO = null; try { // Need to synchronize to prevent race conditions. synchronized(mConnection) { mSelectCreditCard.setLong(1,accountID); ResultSet result = mSelectCreditCard.executeQuery();; byte[] encryptedSessionKey = mDecoder.decodeBuffer (result.getString(1)); byte[] encryptedCCNumber = mDecoder.decodeBuffer (result.getString(2)); result.close(); creditCardDBO = new CreditCardDBO (accountID, encryptedSessionKey, encryptedCCNumber); } } catch (SQLException se) { se.printStackTrace(); throw new IOException(se.getMessage()); } return creditCardDBO; } /** * Returns all the account ids in the database. * Useful for displaying all credit cards. */ public long[] getAllCreditCardAccountIDs() throws IOException { Vector accountIDs = new Vector(); try { synchronized(mConnection) { ResultSet result = mSelectCreditCardAccountIDs.executeQuery(); while ( { accountIDs.add(new Long(result.getLong(1))); } result.close(); } } catch (SQLException se) { se.printStackTrace(); throw new IOException(se.getMessage()); } // convert the vector to an array. long[] accountIDArray = new long[accountIDs.size()]; for (int i=0; i